The Nordic Union for Quaternary Research (NORDQUA) is interested in the last 2.6 million years of Earth’s history (the Quaternary) – also known as the ‘Ice Age’. The aim of the Union is to encourage broad interdisciplinary cooperation and communication among Quaternary scientists in Norden, and especially to facilitate networking between young scientists. This is done through organizing joint field excursions and symposia, and by informing about student and job opportunities.

Joining the NORDQUA community is free, and includes a subscription to our email newsletter.

Next nordqua excursion

To be confirmed


Find the latest Quaternary job and networking opportunities via our social media feeds

Next nordqua meeting

To be confirmed

Dear NORDQUA colleagues, Some information and reminders for those attending the NGWM24 in Gothenburg (apologies to those not attending – we wish you were here!). NORDQUA @ NGWM 2024 ON FRIDAY – 12 January – we will have a members general meeting. We will meet during […]
Newsletter items: 1. Winter 2023 Update; 2. NORDQUA @NGWM24; 3. Upcoming meetings of interest. Dear NORDQUA colleagues,  Here is your end-of-the-year newsletter from the NORDQUA secretariat for 2023.  1. Winter 2023 Secretariat Update  2. NORDQUA @ NGWM 2024 3. Upcoming meetings of potential interest As ever, […]
By the national delegates: Stefan Wastegård (Sweden), Inger Greve Alsos (Norway) and Niko Putkinen (Finland) The XXI INQUA Congress was held in Rome, 14-20 June 2023 during a heatwave with temperatures up to +42ºC. The Congress started July 13 with the Ice-breaker party at the Botanical […]

NORDQUA is sponsored by the  journal BOREAS