Newsletter items: 1. Secretariat Update; 2. Excursion to Poland September 2025; 3. Appeal to Recent PhD Graduates; 4. Upcoming Events and Deadlines.  Dear NORDQUA colleagues, 1. Winter 2025 Secretariat Update We have had a few big changes in the NORDQUA […]
Newsletter items: 1. Summer 2024 Update; 2. New Excursions Officer and Leader; 3. Reminders and an appeal for information; 4. Upcoming meetings of interest.  Dear NORDQUA colleagues, 1. Summer 2024 Secretariat Update Here is your mid-year newsletter with some updates […]
Newsletter items: 1. Winter 2023 Update; 2. NORDQUA @NGWM24; 3. Upcoming meetings of interest. Dear NORDQUA colleagues,  Here is your end-of-the-year newsletter from the NORDQUA secretariat for 2023.  1. Winter 2023 Secretariat Update  2. NORDQUA @ NGWM 2024 3. Upcoming […]
Newsletter items: 1. Summer 2023 Update; 2. NORDQUA at INQUA Roma 2023; 3. Meetings of interest.  Dear NORDQUA colleagues, Many of you will have already heard the sad news that Professor Svante Björck passed away in May this year ( […]
Newsletter items: 1. Updates from the Secretariat; 2. Joint Nordqua-Palaeoarc Excursion in 2023; 3. INQUA Roma and other meetings of interest; 4. Current and upcoming vacancies in the Nordqua Secretariat.  1. Festive greetings and a review of 2022 from the […]
Reykjavik sticker 2022
NORDQUA at NGWM 2022 For those of you attending NGWM 2022 in Reykjavik this week: For those not attending the NGWM, we hope to see you at an excursion or meeting in the near future!  Best wishes and we look […]
Newsletter items: 1. NORDQUA website gets a fresh new look; 2. NORDQUA @ NGWM 2022 1. NORDQUA website gets a fresh new look 2. NORDQUA @ NGWM 2022 Best wishes and we look forward to seeing many of you in […]
Items: 1. NGWM 2022 Update; 2. Nordqua website refurbishment. This is a mini-version of the newsletter to give some Nordqua-related updates. 1. 35th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting update We expect that some of you are thinking of attending the NGWM […]
Newsletter items: 1. Updates from the Secretariat; 2. Excursions planning; 3. Upcoming meetings; 4. Reminders of social media and how to contact the secretariat.  1. Festive greetings and updates from the Secretariat Festive greetings to all in these challenging and […]