9th International Conference ​on Arctic Margins

Ottowa, Canada

ICAM scientific themes include: Geology and Geophysics; Mapping; Remote Sensing; Plate Tectonics; Climate, and studies that are related to Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The ICAM 9 […]

51st International Arctic Workshop

UNIS, Svalbard Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands

Optional post conference two-day excursion – 24th – 25th June All Registration and Abstract Deadlines Monday 16th May The International Arctic Workshop is a friendly, informal, and relaxed conference open […]


Joyden Hall, Singapore

This year, the PALSEA 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in Singapore and brings observational scientists and icesheet, climate, and sea-level modelers together in order to better define observational constraints […]

3rd International Palaeoarc Conference

Rovaniemi, Finland , Finland

Processes and Palaeo-environmental changes in the Arctic: from past to present Registration is now open for the 3rd PalaeoArc International Conference 23-26 August, Rovaniemi, Finland. Deadline for the abstract submission […]

QRA Postgraduate Symposium 2022


Online. Organised by Sheffield Hallam University. Deadline for abstracts: Monday 22nd August 2022 Theme: Postgraduate Research within Quaternary Science Format: Online conference and poster competition; two keynote speakers Meeting organisers: […]

British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting 2022

Northumbria University, UK

The conference will follow the well-established format of oral and poster presentations, spread over three days, on a wide variety of geomorphological and geomorphology-related topics. Call for abstracts and registration […]

10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology

Coimbra, Portugal

Abstract deadline: March 14th, 13:00 CET. 25 Thematic Sessions are planned, covering a wide range of subjects from Experimental Geomorphology, to Wildfires and Soil Erosion, to Geoarchaeology to Planetary Geomorphology. There will be 4 fieldtrips prior to the conference, and 4 other ones after the conference. A one-day mid-conference fieldtrip (on 14th) is also planned.

CAGE International Conference

Tromsø, Norway

The Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway welcomes your participation in the International Conference on Methane in a Changing Arctic, to be held in Tromsø, 14-16th September. This conference aims to bring together scientists working on all aspects of Arctic methane and its role […]

IGS Nordic Branch 2022

Uppsala, Sweden

The next IGS Nordic branch meeting will be co-arranged by Stockholm and Uppsala University and held in person on 26-28 October 2022 at Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden.