IAS 2024: Aberdeen
Aberdeen, UKThe IAS Conference 2024 will take place in Aberdeen from 25 – 27 June 2024. There will be opportunities to participate in Workshops and Fieldtrips both in advance of, and […]
The IAS Conference 2024 will take place in Aberdeen from 25 – 27 June 2024. There will be opportunities to participate in Workshops and Fieldtrips both in advance of, and […]
In 2024, the Peribaltic WG conference will be held in western Estonia, including the islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, on August 25-30, with a meeting point in Pärnu. The scientific […]
This year’s conference will include a workshop on Bayesian approaches to age-depth modelling, and an optional field trip to see the fascinating quaternary records present in the Irish landscape!
This is the 50th anniversary of the meeting and we're looking forward to welcoming all glacial folks out there!
International conference in Catania, Sicily. Cosponsored by INTIMATE and IAVCEI Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission.
The upcoming joint Pangeo-DEUQUA conference will take place on 23rd to 27th September 2024. It will be held at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), […]
ArcSTRAT will bring together scientists from all around the world to discuss the constraints to date and correlate past climate archives from across the Arctic Ocean. Do you want to […]
The theme of this year’s symposium will be “Peatlands: Past, Present and Future”. Peatlands are recognised as a pivotal part of the landscape and have had a major impact on […]
Each year, AGU’s annual meeting, the largest gathering of Earth and space scientists, convenes 25,000+ attendees from 100+ countries to share research and connect with friends and colleagues. Scientists, educators, […]
The Geological Socety of Norway cordially invites you to join the most important forum for the Geosciences in Norway, January 6th-8th 2025, at HVL in Bergen. The main theme of this conference […]
The theme of the ADM this year is ‘Quaternary Insights: Linking the Past, Present and Future’. We welcome contributions relating to the broad theme of Quaternary Insights, which can include, […]
The EGU General Assembly 2025 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to […]
PAGES' Open Science Meetings (OSM) and Young Science Meetings (YSM) are held every four years. They are designed to encourage interaction between scientists from all career levels, disciplines and regions. […]
PAGES' Open Science Meetings (OSM) and Young Science Meetings (YSM) are held every four years. They are designed to encourage interaction between scientists from all career levels, disciplines and regions. […]
PalaeoArc is an international network research programme. The scientific goal of this six-year programme is to understand and explain the climatically-induced environmental changes in the Arctic that have taken place throughout […]
The title of the meeting will be “Foraminifera as a marine magnifying glass: tiny details, big insights from fossils to molecules” to reflect the various aspects of foraminiferal research ranging […]
We are very pleased to again highlight that the date of the 'Second sedaDNA Scientific Society Meeting" in Tromsø, Norway will be the 24-25th of June 2025 - so save […]
Ice streams and outlet glaciers are important components of an ice sheet’s mass balance and their behaviour directly impacts on sea level. These corridors of fast-flowing ice have been described […]
We are thrilled to welcome you to Bengaluru (India) for the 15th International Conference on Palaeoceanography (ICP15) . We are looking forward to hearing about your latest research on past […]
Geomorphology for society: challenges and opportunities. 16-18 September, 2025, Timisoara, Romania