Newsletter items: 1. Secretariat Update; 2. Excursion to Poland September 2025; 3. Appeal to Recent PhD Graduates; 4. Upcoming Events and Deadlines.
Dear NORDQUA colleagues,
1. Winter 2025 Secretariat Update
We have had a few big changes in the NORDQUA secretariat over the last year. We would like to take this opportunity to send an enormous thank you to Anna Hughes who has been our fearless leader for the last 6+ years. Anna has helped to invigorate the communication within the Nordic geological community and has taken her precious time to help build this network. Anna, your dedication and care for this organization has been invaluable and you leave us some very big shoes to fill. Thank you!!!

2. Excursion 2025 Announcement: Poland!

We are extremely pleased to announce that the next NORDQUA excursion will take place in northern Poland from the 17th to 19th of September 2025. Please save the date! While details are still being finalized, this trip will give you a look at coastal hazards and glacial traces along the Baltic coast. This trip is led by Karol Tylmann and colleagues from University of Gdańsk.

3. Recent PhD Graduates
Are you a recent PhD graduate? Tell us about yourself! Please register on our webpage so that your future colleagues can find you.
4. Upcoming Events and Deadlines:
Below are selected upcoming events. Please visit our events webpage for further meetings and specialist workshops. Please also let us know if you have an event that we should include by emailing
- NGWM2026 (Turku, Finland), January 13-15, 2026: Call for sessions open until January 26, 2025. Please find submission information here:
- EGU (Vienna, Austria), April 27-May 2, 2025: Abstract submission is closed and early registration is open until March 31. Once the schedule is in place, we will try to organize a NORDQUA evening social. Details to follow!
- PAGES OSM (Shanghai, China), May 21-24, 2025 with the YSM occurring prior on the May 19-20.
- PaleoArc (Tromsø, Norway), June 2-5, 2025: Registration and abstract submission to open in March, abstract submission deadline in mid-April.
- SedaDNA (Tromsø, Norway), June 23-26, 2025. Abstract submission now closed but registration open until April 1, 2024.
- Peribaltic Symposium 2025 (Kloster Michaelstein, Germany), August 25-29, 2025: With the theme of this international field symposium of “Quaternary Stratigraphy, Paleoenvironments and Geoarchaeology in central Germany”.
Best wishes,
Your NORDQUA Secretariat: Malin, Wes, Henry, Daniel, and Aloïs